
The 2024 BGA Tournament was held on the Lake Course on Saturday March 16.

2024 Men’s Final Results

Winning team -11

Jerry Lebus, Andy Lauth, Mike Machemehl, Mike Glasscock

2024 Women’s Final Results

Paula Fifer, Beth Mengden, LeeAnna Tucker, Kathy Malkey

The 2023 BGA Tournament was held on the Lake Course on Saturday March 18.

2023 Men’s Final Results

Winning Team -8

Dan Cardell, Ronnie Bulanek, Andy Lauth, Gerry Moynier

2023 Women’s Final Results

Winning Team

Mary Rose Lebus, Cathy Stephen, Beth Mengden, Janet Murawski, Lynn Dyaken

The 2022 BGA Tournament was held on the Lake Course on Saturday March 12.

2022 Men’s Final Results

Winning Team -9

George Dreisbach, Rudy Hanselka, Doug Scherr, Jace Pitre

2022 Women’s Final Results

Winning Team

Bev Henderson, Roush, Melinda Coulter, Trisha Strickland

The 2021 BGA Tournament was held on the Lake Course on Saturday April 11.

2021 Men’s Final Resuts

Winning Team -8

Jim Lerner, Toby O’Neill, John Jacobs, Frank Richter

2021 Women’s Final Results

Winning Team

The 2020 BGA Tournament was held on the Lake Course on Saturday February 16.

2020 Men’s Final Resuts

Winning Team -9

John Henderson, Justin Wythe, Mike Wachel, Cody Borches

Second Place Tie -8

Bill Dermott, Mike Aston, Jeff Denning, Rudy Hanselka

Dan Cardell, Douglas Derichebourge, Pierce Treadwell, Mike Glasscock

2020 Women’s Final Results

Karen Fennell, Lynette Schmitt, Paula Fifer, Kathy Malkey

2019 Men’s Final Results:

Winning Team -8

Pat Cunningham, John Sorrentino, Al Schmitt, Rick Fox

**Winner by scorecard playoff

Five teams finished tied for 1st place at 8 under

Teams captained by Frank Damratoski, Jim O’Neill, Vic Villegas, and Peter Coulter also finished at 8 under par

2019 Women’s Final Results

Winning Team +3

Annki Lerner, Lynette Schmitt, Bonny Montanari, Janice Fox

**Winner in scorecard playoff

Also finishing at +3 : Nicole Goldman, Diane Burge, Brenda Norwood, Bobbi Glasscott

The 2018 BGA Tournament was held on the Lake Course on Saturday February 17.

2018 Men’s Final Results:

Winning Team -9

Jim O’Neill, Jerry Moynier, Jerry LeBus, Doug Scherr

Second Place

Steve Malkey, Jeff Norwood, Frank Richter, Brad McAfee

2018 Women’s Final Results

Winning Team +3

Nicole Goldman, Joy Dominique, Diane Burge, Kristin Shelton, Margaret Ann Schmitt

2nd Place

Annki Lerner, Karen Fennell, Kathy Stephen, Brenda Norwood

The 2017 BGA Tournament was held on the Lake Course on Saturday February 18.

2017 Final Results:

Winning Team

Andy Schmitt, George Fifer, Clint Stephen, Wes Stasny -9

Second Place

John Henderson, Justin Wythe, Mike Aston, Jace Pitre

Winning Team 

Karen Fennell, Linda Cunningham, Puddy Cardell, Janet Murawski

2nd Place

Nicole Goldman, Lynn Dyakon, Deb Damratoski, Mareta Vilson